Access to higher education for refugees in South Asia

M Mahruf C Shohel, Goutam Roy, Muhammad Shajjad Ahsan, Dev Raj Acharya

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Access to higher education for refugees is not a priority as this is not regarded as a basic human need. According to the UN Refugee Agency, only 1% of eligible refugees have access to higher education worldwide. However, the average enrolment in higher education is now 38% globally. On the one hand, access to education and training for refugees is desperately needed if they are to contribute when they go back to normal life. On the other hand, access to higher education is one way to re-establish their lives and professional identities in a host country. By exploring available academic and grey literature, based on examples from different regions, this chapter first highlights the importance of providing access to higher education for refugees and then presents the common challenges and barriers. It found that legal status of a refugee in a host country, lack of necessary documentation, restrictions on movement, and financial constraints are the key challenges. Based on the key findings, this chapter also outlines some policy recommendations for the policy-makers, stakeholders and practitioners so that governments and other development organisations can make an effort to ease the challenges and barriers of higher education for refugees in South Asia.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRefugee education in South Asia
Subtitle of host publicationPolicies, practices, and implications
EditorsMahbub Alam Prodip, Goutam Roy, Debasish Nandy
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherNova Science Publishers
Number of pages38
ISBN (Electronic)9781536196733
ISBN (Print)9781536194593
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jul 2021

Publication series

NameEducation in a competitive and globalizing world
PublisherNova Science Publishers


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