Activating financial markets to reward soil stewardship: A systemic co-inquiry

Nick Pawsey, Catherine Allan, Benjamin Wills, Francisco Ascui, Geoff Cockfield, Simon Cook, Mark Frost, Alfred Wong, Julia Lynch, Ross Colliver

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


This video provides an overview of the results of a systemic co-inquiry focused on the identification of opportunities to activate financial markets to reward soil stewardship. A series of three co-inquiry workshops across Australia brought together more than 50 soil researchers, farming, financial market, government, and conservation stakeholders to: 1. Establish a shared understanding of the soil-farmer finance system, 2. Investigate and reach agreement on opportunities for activating financial markets to reward soil stewardship, and develop a shared research agenda to facilitate the process.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jul 2020
EventSoil Health Institute 5th Annual Meeting 2020 - Virtual, Online
Duration: 30 Jul 202031 Jul 2020 (Meeting agenda)


ConferenceSoil Health Institute 5th Annual Meeting 2020
Abbreviated titleSoil health: The foundation for regenerative agriculture
OtherThis year’s theme was Soil Health: The Foundation for Regenerative Agriculture, advancing the opportunity we have to address climate change, water quality, food production, biodiversity, and many other pressing issues by improving soil health. Please watch for our annual meeting report and conference presentation recordings.
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