Actor training in Australia: Leaders from each institute discuss current challenges and initiatives

Soseh Yekanians (Panel member)

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review

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I was asked to represent Charles Sturt University on a panel titled, “Actor Training in Australia: leaders from each institute discuss current challenges and initiatives”.
The panel was hosted by AusAct’s keynote speaker, Jessica Hartley from The Royal Central College of London. The suggested questions for discussion were:
What are the greatest challenges facing the delivery of your acting program?
What are your most exciting innovations?
How is your institution developing links between training and industry?
How are you keeping up with the ever-changing demands of the industry?
What are you doing to attract students form diverse backgrounds?
What are the support networks within your training institutions for the young actors from these diverse backgrounds?
How are you addressing health and wellbeing within your program?
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2019
EventAusAct Conference 2019 - Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 08 Aug 201911 Aug 2019


ConferenceAusAct Conference 2019
Abbreviated titleBeing Relevant
Internet address


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