Adoption of energy efficiency options by co-operatives in regional Australia: An early stage explorative study

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


According to the Blueprint for a co-operative decade, co-operatives are making a crucial contribution towards the shift to a low carbon economy and by 2020, co-operatives are expected to position themselves as builders of sustainability. Regarding the environment sustainability the co-operatives in all sectors are looking at some innovations to reduce their carbon footprints, to be carbon neutral, at investing in energy efficient technologies (ICC report). On the same note, the International Co-operative Alliance added the principle No. 7: Concerns for Community which is supposed to also encompass the notion of environmental sustainability. However, some research on the relevance of the co-operative principles as based on the evidence from the Australian co-operative sector argues that perhaps this principle may not capture the environmental issues (Oczkowski, Krivokapic-Skoko, and Plummer, 2013). Instead, the members of co-operatives tend to view their community sponsorship more as marketing/advertising spending rather than as an expression of concern for the community and the environment related issues.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCooperatives in a rapidly changing world: innovation in enterprise and community
Subtitle of host publicationICA2018 Research Conference
PublisherInternational Co-operative Alliance
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018
EventICA2018 International Cooperative Alliance European Research Conference - Wageningen International Conference Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands
Duration: 04 Jul 201806 Jul 2018 (Conference website) (Conference program and abstracts) (Conference program)


ConferenceICA2018 International Cooperative Alliance European Research Conference
Abbreviated titleInnovation in enterprise and community
OtherThe key questions to be discussed at the ICA2018 Research Conference relate to innovation in enterprise and community. For the sustainability and resilience of the cooperative model, innovation is paramount. Which internal and external factors provide the fertile ground for such innovation? What are the key success factors for continuous (or renewed) member commitment and stakeholder legitimacy?
The conference will deal with all kinds of cooperatives, from different sectors and different countries and in different stages of the life cycle. This will lead to challenging and surprising new ideas and relations. Special attention will be paid to 200 years Raiffeisen.
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