Advertisements for Stanislas Sorel’s portable stove ‘Le Cordon Bleu’ (1833–1849): A visual data set

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Stanislas Sorel, better known as the inventor of galvanjsed iron, commenced his career by inventing an early form of thermostat. This allowed him to develop a stove that could cook a four-course family dinner largely unsupervised, an invention which was poised to revolutionise the lives of many households. This study will presents an extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of the advertisements Sorel placed in the French press, extolling the virtues of his device.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAlbury
PublisherCharles Sturt University
Number of pages47
ISBN (Electronic)9781864672893
Publication statusPublished - 01 Jul 2017

Publication series

NameILWS Report


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