
The use of Identity based Management for applications and resources is emerging as a key concept in meeting the requirements of an information security architecture. This paper looks at some of the current models for Identity Management and proposes an internal framework for an enterprise to develop an Identity based Management system. This paper describes the two major components of identity based management: identity administration and identity based access management and the processes they contain. The paper discusses the use of processes as chokepoints to enhance identity and authentication security and proposes the minimum requirements for an effective framework within an enterprise. This paper proposes that the framework should be implemented by an enterprise that intends to move towards a federation with other external enterprises. This work should contribute to the further development of identity based management models.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAPAC07
Subtitle of host publicationAdvanced computing, grid applications and eResearch
EditorsVPAC Bill Applebe
Place of PublicationAustralia/New Zealand
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventAustralian Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC ) Conference and Exhibition - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Duration: 08 Oct 200712 Oct 2007


ConferenceAustralian Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC ) Conference and Exhibition


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