An investigation performance and eating quality of Holstein Friesian beef

Veronika Vicic, Michael Campbell, Gang Xie

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePoster


The Australian dairy industry encounters many publicised animal welfare concerns regarding the treatment and euthanasia of male calves. Consumer demand for beef is increasing worldwide. Developing a viable beef dairy chain in Australia based on objective data can address the welfare issues associated with male dairy calves. The aim of this project is to assess the carcass performance and eating quality of Holstein steers finished on a concentrate diet, compared to traditional British bred cattle. This trial has not yet reached completion therefore, this paper will be a review of current literature regarding the performance and eating quality of Holstein beef. Literature findings suggest that the meat quality from dairy breeds outperforms meat quality from traditional beef bred cattle due to increased marbling, which may be associated with improved eating quality. Currently, no similar trials have been performed in Australia which justifies the need to undertake this project and perform consumer trials to assess the marketability of Holstein beef.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventSmartbeef 2017 - University of New England, Armidale, Australia
Duration: 01 Nov 201703 Nov 2017 (conference program)


ConferenceSmartbeef 2017
OtherSMARTBEEF 2017 will be centred on the theme of innovation and being smart about the use of data; business technologies and relationship building. It is designed to educate, inform and inspire grass root members of the feedlot community and other supply chain participants and will feature keynote speakers Carolyn Miller, The Honeycomb Effect; Don Mackay, Red Meat Advisory Council (RMAC); and Sean Starling, MLA.

This is your chance to network with beef and feedlot industry operators and their suppliers from across Australia and hear from a line-up of top quality speakers who will bring participants the very latest in knowledge and technology in the beef industry.
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