Animisme: Manusia dan Roh dalam Kehidupan Agama

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter


This chapter looks at the role of communal and individual human life in relation to religious beliefs, with particular attention to the situation in the Molucca Islands in Indonesia. It concludes that the interactions between Animism, Christinaity and Islam have formed unique expressions of religious life, which have considerable consequences for Islam and particularly Christianity internationally.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInjil dan Budaya
Subtitle of host publicationTeman atau Musuh?: Memperingati 40 Tahun Kependetaan Prof. Dr I.J.M. Haire (English: Gospel and Cultures: Friends or Foes?: Celebrating 40 years of Theological Service of Prof. Dr I.J.M. Haire)
EditorsO J S May, A.K. Djurubasa, A. Puasa
Place of PublicationYogyakarta, Indonesia
PublisherGrafika Indah
Number of pages29
ISBN (Print)9798204670
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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