Antimicrobial activity of rice extracts

Tabin Brooks

    Research output: Other contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


    Rice, especially coloured rice varieties, is abundant in bioactive compounds. Some of these compounds have been shown to have antimicrobial properties. Natural antimicrobial compounds are of interest to food and beverage industries as consumers prefer natural preservatives. New antimicrobial compounds may also provide the medical profession with another option for treating antibiotic resistant pathogens. Antimicrobial compounds appear to be present in higher concentrations in brown and red rice samples and absent in purple or dark brown rice. These results suggest that colour is not necessarily a good indicator of antimicrobial properties. Comparison of milled and unmilled rice demonstrated that antimicrobial properties are present in both the bran layer and endosperm.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    EventAustralasian Grain Science Conference - Crowne Plaza, Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia
    Duration: 16 Sept 201518 Sept 2015


    ConferenceAustralasian Grain Science Conference
    Abbreviated titleGrains for a Healthy Future
    Internet address


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