Beginning a journey: A transnational student-led rural-focused co-operative inquiry into promoting resilience in disaster stricken rural communities

Sara Donnarumma, Kim Doyle, Kate Stoyle, Macey Anderson, David McDaid, Emma Pascoe, Louise Morley, Erica Russ, Pearle Doyle, Peter Hawkins, Monica Short

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 29 Nov 2022
Event9th ICSD Asia Pacific Biennial conference: Sustainable Efforts in Times of Crises - School of Global Studies, Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 29 Nov 202201 Dec 2022 (Abstract book)


Conference9th ICSD Asia Pacific Biennial conference: Sustainable Efforts in Times of Crises
Abbreviated titleSustainable Efforts in Times of Crises
OtherThe Ninth ICSD Asia Pacific Biennial conference provides an opportunity to researchers, practitioners and policy makers to reflect on the role of stakeholders of development like community-based organizations, nongovernment organizations, private sector, and the government in navigating through the turbulent times Asian societies are facing. While the focus of this conference is on Asia, these problems are shared by economies beyond Asia. Hence, we invite researchers from across the globe to present their research. The hosts invite researchers – both seasoned and early career including graduate students and practitioners to submit the paper to showcase their research in different themes. We are very keen to see a wide range of papers that encompass applied research, practice research, and theoretical advances and innovative explorations in all aspects of this field.
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