Being responsible in the public domain

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


The call to be responsible in the public domain is addressed here through a particular rendering of the discipline of a public theology. It is assumed that the intention of such a theology is to nurture the common good, a civil society, the flourishing of all. The Christian faith is thus placed among a ‘company of strangers’ and a relative reliance upon middle axioms like justice, dignity and responsibility as it seeks to engage with contemporary issues-such as (a). what constitutes climate justice? (b). what kind of tensions must a culturally diversifying democracy negotiate for the sake of an agreed basis for dignity and justice? These two concerns are discrete; at face value they are not intimately inter-related. They are being situated in this argument alongside the rhetoric of call and responsibility due to the self-understanding of a denominational church and how it engages with the nation in which it finds itself. The praxis of the Uniting Church in Australia is informed by a Statement to the Nation that was made public at its inception in 1977. That Statement was built upon a belief in a “Christian responsibility for society being regarded as fundamental to the mission of the church”.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHuman Dignity, Human Rights, and Social Justice
Subtitle of host publicationA Chinese Interdisciplinary Dialogue with Global Perspective
EditorsZhibin Xie, Pauline Kollontai, Sebastian Kim
Place of PublicationSingapore
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9789811550812
ISBN (Print)9789811550805
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 26 Jun 2020


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