Belonging: Social work, sociological and theological insights into engagements with people living with disabilities

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventSocial Workers in Disability Conference - University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 24 Nov 201625 Nov 2016 (call for abstracts)


ConferenceSocial Workers in Disability Conference
Abbreviated titleMaximizing Diversity, Engagement and Inclusion
OtherWe are living through a period of seismic change in disability-related policy and practice. We have learned a lot throughout this process, but much is still unknown. The 2016 SWID Conference represents a wonderful opportunity to come together to share insights and to learn from each other for the benefit of people with disabilities, their families and communities, and social work as a profession.

This conference will bring together social work practitioners, researchers and students to share ideas, experiences and new perspectives, so that we are all better equipped and re-energised to meet the challenges that will inevitably continue to confront us.
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