Bentham’s lens on bonsai: Utilitarian perspectives in serious leisure

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstract


This paper explores the application of Jeremy Bentham’s utilitarian philosophy to deepen our understanding of inclusion and diversity within the realm of serious leisure (hobbies, voluntary activities, and amateurism), focusing on bonsai growing as a case study. Utilising interviews and data collected from bonsai enthusiasts in Australia, the paper explains how Bentham’s utilitarian principles can illuminate the dynamics of participation and engagement in hobbies. The art of bonsai exemplifies how inclusivity and diversity foster a sense of joy and accomplishment among practitioners. Cultivating miniature trees requires passion, purpose, and patience, creating a space where participants, irrespective of background, experience the benefits of their dedication. The paper uses Bentham’s utilitarian philosophy as its conceptual framework to illustrate the ethical considerations and societal benefits of promoting inclusion and diversity in serious leisure. Utilitarianism suggests that actions should be evaluated based on their capacity to maximise happiness and pleasure. Applying this theory to the serious leisure context acknowledges the potential of diverse and inclusive engagement to enhance participants’ overall well-being. Through the lens of Bentham’s utilitarianism, the paper depicts how these principles can be applied to understand bonsai growers’ motivations and achievements and, by extension, other serious leisure pursuits.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2024
Event2024 Australasian Association of Philosophy Online Conference - Online, Australia
Duration: 16 Oct 202418 Oct 2024 (Program)


Conference2024 Australasian Association of Philosophy Online Conference
OtherAn opportunity for professional philosophers and philosophy postgraduate students to present current work to a critical and collegial audience. We welcome papers in all areas of philosophy and particularly welcome philosophers from Oceania and Southeast Asia and Early Career Researchers.

This year's conference offers a special stream on Enabling Diverse Knowledges which invites philosophers, scientists, artists, and other scholars and practitioners into conversation to explore and unpack knowledge and knowledge-making within and across different (cultural and/or disciplinary) communities.

The conference will be held fully online using the Whova online conference platform with zoom for streaming of sessions and integrated chat and networking functions. Live streamed sessions will be held daily, in most cases limited to the hours 10am - 4pm AEDT.
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