Blue and green: A series for exhibition at Albury LibraryMuseum - From Where I Sit: Stories from Within

Donna Caffrey (Artist)

Research output: Non-textual outputs, including Creative WorksCreative Works - Original - Visual art works

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For a long time, I have wished to create a work inspired by the poem by Australian poet Lesbia Harford - Green and Blue. My difficulty was how to translate text to textile and that it was at all meaningful.

Lesbia Harford
Poet, worker in clothing trade, lawyer, activist

Green and blue;
First-named of colours believe these two.
They first of colours by men were seen
This grass-colour, tree-colour, Sky-colour, sea-colour,
Magic-named, mystic-souled blue and green.
Later came Small, subtle colours like tongues of flame,
Small jewel-colours for treasure trove,
Not fruit-colour, flower-colour.
Cloud-colour, shower-colour,
But purple, amethyst, violet, mauve.
These remain,
Two broad fair colours for our larger gain,
Stretched underfoot or spread on high
Green beech-colour, vine-colour,
Gum-colour, pine-colour,
Blue of the noonday or moonlit sky.

When I showed the poem a close friend their reaction was not positive. I was a bit shattered by their response:. The poem did not resonate with them.

I read this poem and I see the Albury Valley. As I sit at my table, I see the horizon of greens and the sky of blues. In my garden I reflect on the trees, shrubs and lawn and when I look up the sky is big and huge. I recall my childhood and love of sky and cloud and the time I spent walking towards the horizon or laying on my back on the lawn or the top paddock watching movement in the sky.

Studies have established that the colours green and blue have a positive effect on a person’s wellbeing; viewing the colours have a calming effect and bring down the heart rate whether walking in nature, looking out the window or being in a room with these colours. The colours green and blue relax me.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAlbury, NSW
PublisherAlbury LibraryMuseum
Media of outputArtwork
SizeSeven works 30 x 30 cm Repurposed silk sari remnants
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jun 2022
EventFrom where I sit: Stories from within - Albury LibraryMuseum, Albury, Australia
Duration: 25 Jun 202213 Nov 2022


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