Bringing together evaluation and management of ICT value: A systems theory approach

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The paper introduces an evaluation model for examining an Information Communication Technology (ICT) value creation process based on a systems theory method, known as cross-impact analysis. This method enables holistic understanding of interdependencies among the system's elements, critical for successfully evaluating and managing the system. The evaluation process focuses on six dimensions of an ICT value creation system: drivers, outcomes, identity, goals, trends and its structure. Each of these dimensions has important implications for managing the system. Thus, the evaluation model presented in this paper integrates the evaluation and management of a system, with the purpose of enabling organisational stakeholders to use the evaluation as the basis for informed management of their ICT value creation system.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)19-35
Number of pages17
JournalElectronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2015


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