Building TVET teacher relationships between Australia and Nepal: The value of international experiences within a vocational teacher education program

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


This paper presents the initial findings of a small qualitative study which looked at the inclusion of an international placement into a vocational teacher education program. The data was drawn from past program evaluations and semi-structured interviews with past participants. The research examined the value to students of including an international placement into their TVET teacher education program. The aim of this program was to facilitate academic inquiry in relation to global issues associated with the vocational educational sector as well as the cultural issues associated with adult education in the country visited: that being, Nepal. Many participants reported that the experience enhanced their teaching practice in Australia in surprising and unexpected ways. Participants also reported that the opportunity to undertake the placement allowed them to consider the issues they face as teachers from other cultural perspectives and build a greater appreciation of the importance of multicultural diversity to their professional practice.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2023
EventInternational Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training 2023: ICTVET 2023 - Kathmandu University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Duration: 15 Sept 202316 Sept 2023
Conference number: 2nd (Programs and abstracts)


ConferenceInternational Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training 2023
Abbreviated titleDeeper links, stronger institutions, decent jobs: Building better TVET systems
OtherEducation is the key to sustainable development. Despite great success in educational access, inclusion, and participation, challenges are also critical. We have challenges in our educational system and larger societal, political, and economic contexts. The emerging challenges brought forward by the global pandemic and other humanitarian crises like climate change and the stark divide between humans and nations have once again shown the necessity of robust, sustainable, and inclusive systems and institutions. Investing in education and vocational skills increases youths’ engagement in productive and gainful work – an essential element of inclusive and sustainable development.
However, increasing participation and the quality of education do not automatically result in deeper links, stronger institutions, and decent jobs. A match between the skills demanded by the labour market and the acquisition of skills by educated people in their educational institutes leads to decent jobs. Likewise, deeper links among social institutions, institutions, particularly education and employment, is one of the conditions for achieving full and productive employment opportunities. Moreover, education systems cannot operate in a vacuum: systems and institutions support utilizing newly acquired skills.
We have critical challenges in our educational systems leading to an uncertain future. However, despite all these uncertainties, we are hopeful and getting prepared for the future. Thus, we believe that the human resources that education systems prepare for an uncertain future and contribute to the formation of a better society. We can contribute to this goal by collaborating and sharing our knowledge and experiences. This conference aims to provide a platform for leading scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and students to reflect on and discuss the drivers of high-quality education and training and improve working conditions for youth and all.
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