Can advances in climate forecasts improve the productive and environmental outcomes from nitrogen fertiliser on wheat? A case study using POAMA for top-dressing wheat in South Australia

Peter Hayman, Bronya Cooper, Kevin Parton, Oscar Alves, Griffith Young, Beverley Henry, Clemens Scheer

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


We used APSIM to compare the profit and risk (economic and environmental) for a farmer in the medium rainfall zone of South Australia who applied the same amount N to wheat every year with a farmer that was guided by POAMA to tactically change rates. Over the 30 year period from 1981 to 2010 a farmer following POAMA would have received the correct guidance 19 times and incorrect guidance 11 times. Depending on the amount of nitrogen (N) used, following POAMA increased the gross margin by $23 or 9%. Forecasts didn’t reduce the risk of nitrous oxide emissions or N leaching. Under the assumptions of this simulation study, the most economically sound N strategies come from a focus on fertiliser N use efficiency which keeps rates at levels where losses to de-nitrification or leaching are minimal.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings 17th Australian Agronomy Conference
EditorsTina Botwright Acuña, Matthew Harrison, Carina Moeller, David Parsons
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherAustralian Society of Agronomy
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event17th Australian Agronomy Conference - Wrest Point Convention Centre , Hobart, Australia
Duration: 21 Sept 201524 Sept 2015


Conference17th Australian Agronomy Conference
Abbreviated titleBuilding Productive, Diverse and Sustainable Landscapes
Internet address


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