Challenges for communicators in future Australian local government

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


Local governments (LGOVs) are ubiquitous institutions for human cooperation and all need to communicate with their communities. Most Australian LGOVs employ at least one communicator but there are few principles to guide practice. This paper examines 'responsible flexibility', 'soft governance' and trends driving LGOV to enhance dialogue with communities and share ownership of problems and solutions. The paper argues that communicators are well placed to clarify and enhance their role in LGOV of the future by shifting communication focus from telling to listening, advocating the importance of transparency and communication in government, and developing expertise in facilitating community participation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe International Conference on Communication and Media 2014 (i-COME’14) - Communication, Empowerment and Governance
Subtitle of host publicationThe 21st Century Enigma
EditorsBahtiar Mohamad
Place of PublicationUniversity Utara Malaysia
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventThe International Conference on Communication and Media - Langkawi Malaysia, Malaysia
Duration: 18 Oct 201420 Oct 2014


ConferenceThe International Conference on Communication and Media


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