Climate change and fishes in estuaries

Bronwyn M. Gillanders, Matthew N. McMillan, Patrick Reis-Santos, Lee J. Baumgartner, Larry R. Brown, John Conallin, Frederick V. Feyrer, Sofia Henriques, Nicola C. James, Andrés J. Jaureguizar, André L.M. Pessanha, An V. Vu, Rita P. Vasconcelos, Benjamin Walther, Arif Wibowo

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

42 Citations (Scopus)


This chapter provides an overview of the main drivers of change in estuarine systems, their expected causes and impacts on estuarine fish and fisheries. An analysis of global, regional and local patterns of estuarine fish and how climate-induced change may impact estuarine systems and their fish communities is provided. We also examine the main environmental, climatic and biological stressors likely to impact estuarine fish and associated fisheries. A set of case studies is used to illustrate the differences in potential impacts associated with various global regions and types of estuaries. An understanding of climate change in estuaries will support estuarine ecosystem resilience, inform management and facilitate adaptation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFish and fisheries in estuaries
Subtitle of host publicationA global perspective
EditorsAlan K. Whitfield, Kenneth W. Able, Stephen J.M. Blaber, Michael Elliott
Place of PublicationChichester, West Sussex
Number of pages78
ISBN (Electronic)9781119705345
ISBN (Print)9781444336672
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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