Co-operative inquiry: Applying a collaborative research method for collectively capturing practice innovations

Louise Whitaker, Erica Russ, Monica Short, Nicola Ivory, Robyn Fitzroy

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


This panel explores Co-operative Inquiry as an applied research method for collectively critically reflecting on, and capturing, the challenges of social work practice and innovations that emerge from the field to address them. Co-operative inquiry fits the value base of social work, that is respect for persons, social justice, and professional integrity. It embodies an approach to practice-based research that is inclusive, participative, and challenges traditional power relationships commonly present in research. This approach values the voice and experience of participants through their active engagement as equal partners in the research process building practice-based evidence. Consistent with theme 2, this panel of researcher-participants will discuss co-operative inquiry, before presenting four case studies from regional and urban Australia and international inquiries. These case studies are: mental health social work practice with people living with ongoing mental distress; teaching case management; and delivering field education during COVID-19 including a student led project regarding remote, research-based placements.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 Nov 2021
EventThe 26th Asia-Pacific Regional Social Work Conference - Online
Duration: 11 Nov 202113 Nov 2021


ConferenceThe 26th Asia-Pacific Regional Social Work Conference
Abbreviated titleSocial work and the sustainable development goals
OtherBringing together an international community of social workers, allied health, health and social services practitioners, researchers, educators and Higher Education Providers, Leaders and decision makers in the health, advocacy and social services sectors, Affiliated associations, agencies and organisations, Government Departments, Students of social work and other related health and social services courses to discuss the theme of social work and the sustainable development goals.
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