Collecting COVID-19 ephemera: A photographic documentation of examples from regional Australia

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Soon after its existence became public in late January 2021, COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (WHO, 2020), rapidly developed into a global pandemic. At each national level, government reactions to curb or slow the progress of COVID-19 have involved the reduction of international arrivals to repatriation flights, limitations to domestic travel, the temporary shut-down of non-essential businesses, and the restriction of human movement during periods of ‘lockdown’ (Moloney & Moloney, 2020). Once the lockdown conditions were eased, people rapidly, or gradually, resumed prior activity patterns (Spennemann & Parker, 2020), even though the pandemic still raged in various parts of the world. As the year 2020 progressed, many countries have experienced a second and even a third wave of infections. At the time of publication (on 10 February 2021), 105.65 million people had been infected on all continents in all but seven countries, with a global death toll of 2.29 million (Gutiérrez, Clarke & Kirk, 2021). While the pandemic is continuing and its overall consequences are still emerging, there is wide-spread discussion on the future make-up of studying (Neuwirth, Jović & Mukherji, 2020), working (Kramer & Kramer, 2020), living (Spennemann, 2021), commuting (Musselwhite, Avineri & Susilo, 2020), recreation (Spennemann & Whitsed, subm.), and containment of future pandemics (Spennemann, in press).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAlbury, NSW
PublisherInstitute of Land Water and Society
Number of pages146
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021

Publication series

NameILWS Report


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