Communication and application of grapevine trunk disease research through extension and education

A. Somers, Wayne Pitt, Sandra Savocchia, Allison Blake, Melanie Weckert

Research output: Contribution to journalSpecial issuepeer-review


The National Wine and Grape Industry Centre has employeesin research, education, training and extension.This team approach has resulted in rapid uptake of newresearch. The research scientists in the team have studiedthe distribution, taxonomy, epidemiology and managementof the grapevine trunk disease, Botryosphaeriacanker. The results have been presented to the winegrape industry using adult education and extensionprincipals as part of existing university courses and attraining days for winegrape growers. The incidence anddistribution of grapevine trunk disease fungi were surveyedfor the major winegrape growing regions of NewSouth Wales and South Australia. The most prevalentspecies isolated were those belonging to the Botryosphaeriaceae.Other fungi isolated included Eutypa lata,Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, Phaeoacremonium spp.and Phomopsis viticola. No fungicides are currently registeredfor the control of Botryosphaeria canker in Australianvineyards however, in vitro fungicide screeningand field trials have been undertaken and results arepending. A training program using cultural practices,knowledge of fungal species, vine physiology, pruningtechniques and awareness of epidemiology and infectionrisk has been developed. The program is recognisedthroughout Australia and contributes towards aqualification known as 'Certificate III in Food Processing(WINE)'. Such quality based training programs arefinancially supported by the Commonwealth Governmentand in doing so they financially reward growersfor learning about research outcomes that will assist inthe management of grapevine trunk diseases.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)129-129
Number of pages1
JournalPhytopathologia Mediterranea
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2010


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