Complexity: Metrics and Modules (Keynote Address)

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


Complex systems are of vast importance in the practical world as well as presenting many theoretical challenges. The measurement of system complexity is still imprecise. For many systems, their modular construction brings challenges in understanding how modules form and the emergent behavior which may result. In other systems, it is the development of encodings and communication protocols which allow complexity to increase dramatically. We take a broad view of these issues and then consider the nature of the system space which generates complexity. We show examples from cellular automata and applications of neural networks to data mining which suggest that complex systems often occupy simple structured sub-spaces. Finally, we look at the way modularity relates to networks and the implications for understanding human cognitive processing.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication6th International Conference Complex Systems 2002 (CS02) Complexity with Agent-Based Modeling
EditorsNamatame Akira
Place of PublicationTokyo, Japan
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2002
EventInternational Conference on Complex Systems - Chuo University Tokyo, Japan, Japan
Duration: 10 Sept 200212 Sept 2002


ConferenceInternational Conference on Complex Systems


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