Compliance with radiation protection practices among radiologists

Mostafa A. Abdelrahman, Ahmad Abu Alfwares, Haytham Alewaidat, Mustafa Alhasan, Mohammad A. Rawashdeh, Dana Al Mousa

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Radiologists are at higher risk of adverse health effects due to their occupational radiation exposure; therefore,applying protection techniques is imperative. Studies on radiologists’compliance in this regard are scarce. We aimed to assess compliance with radiation safety practices among radiologists.
Methods: Questionnaires were distributed to radiologists in tertiary hospitals. The questionnaire was designed to assess compliance in three domains:using personal protective devices, using exposure-reduction techniques during fluoroscopic exposures, and using personal dose monitoring devices. Descriptive analysis of the compliance was performed.
Results: Sixty-two radiologists were included in the analysis. Use of leaded aprons and thyroid shields was commonplace, whereas only 3.2% ever use leaded eyeglasses. About half of the radiologists always considered reducing the time of exposure and avoided exposure by the primary beam, and the other half did that sometimes. Most of the radiologists (66.1%) always complied with reducing the number of unnecessary exposures, and the rest only complied sometimes. Most of the radiologists (93.5%) always used single personal dose-monitoring devices, most commonly at the neck level over the collar. There was no difference in compliance between different sexes, position descriptions, hospital types, hospital sizes, or years of experience.
Conclusion: Future compliance improvement strategies for radiologists should focus on use of thyroid shields and leaded eyeglasses and use of exposure-reduction techniques during fluoroscopic operations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)338-343
Number of pages6
JournalHealth Physics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2018


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