Constructing the future professional: Survival, adaptability and change in the library and information profession

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


Keynote speaker
The second decade of the 21st century is historically a significant period for the library and information professions in Australia where past practices and future possibilities have opened up the possibility of a very different employment and educational landscape. This moment of possibility provides an opportunity for reflection on the LIS professions—their past, their present and their future. This paper will outline some of the key forces which have shaped the information profession as we see it today and explore the challenges presented to it. It will ask critical questions about the relationship between education and professionalism as understood by the contemporary LIS sector and the role education and association can play in ensuring our professions reflect our communities and do not perpetuate disadvantage and consciously or unconsciously promote inequity.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 07 Jul 2022
Eventadapt create innovate.
: The 36th Annual ANZTLA Conference
- Online, Australia
Duration: 07 Jul 202208 Jul 2022


Conferenceadapt create innovate.
Abbreviated titleChange
Internet address


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