Mark Macleod, Robyn Platt

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This is the fourth in a series of teachers guides written for Scholastic Australia's Core Library reading program. My collaborator, retired primary school principal and part time lecturer for the University of Wollongong, Robyn Platt, were required to choose 40 books suitable for Lower primary students. We then wrote detailed lesson plans for each of the 40 books, with activities for pre-reading, during and after-reading, including questions for class discussion and predicted answers along with suggested teacher responses, activities that met specific outcomes, and suggestions for further reading. Along with the teachers guide, we had to produce 40 scaffolded reading guides to be used by students for individual, rather than guided or shared reading. These student guides were printed in an innovative way on bookmarks. Research for this project involved wide reading in fiction, picture books and information books for Lower Primary readers, academic responses and young readers' responses to the books chosen, detailed knowledge of individual Australian state curricula and the new national curriculum, so that activities could be matched with specific outcomes, and familiarity with a range of current classroom practices in literacy education.The lesson plans and scaffolded reading guides were produced at monthly workshops over the period of one year; sometimes there were four full-day workshops in each month, along with discussions by email and phone.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLindfield NSW
PublisherScholastic Australia
Number of pages1
ISBN (Print)9781741695311
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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