Corporate Social Responsibility and Age of Productivity: Upper Echelon Prospective

Qaiser Rafique Yasser, Abdullah Al-Mamun, Michael Seamer

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


What is the relationship between corporate social responsibilities and director age? To shed light on this issue,we examine whether and how positive and negative corporate social responsibility (CSR) events relate to the directors’ age in Asian emerging economies. By using the upper echelon hypothetical perspective of Hambrick and Mason (1984), we found that the demographic characteristics of top management teams particularly director age having a significant relationship with corporate social responsibilities. Demographic characteristics of directors are an important way to measure individuals' cognitive bases; cognitive bases in turn combine to create certain team abilities and tendencies, resulting in patterns in board decision outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventAcademy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting - Dubai Ballroom, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Duration: 02 Jul 201705 Jul 2017


ConferenceAcademy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting
Abbreviated titleThe Contribution of MNEs to Building Sustainable Societies
Country/TerritoryUnited Arab Emirates
Internet address


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