COVID virtual veterinary rotations: staying apart, thinking and working together

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The first COVID-19 shutdown allowed three weeks to alter clinical veterinary workplace learning (WPL) delivery, which included production-animal internal and external rotations. Virtual experiences were the only alternative. The challenge for academics was to deliver virtual WPL that satisfied veterinary course accreditation requirements. Tutorials, active and reflective assessments, and most importantly practitioner-based, real-time cases were used as replacement activities. Cases were posted on I2 discussion boards, and students engaged in these cases as if they were with the attending clinician. The aim was to encourage broad clinical thinking and evidence-based approaches to real-time clinical scenarios to be explored by the students, assisted by practitioners, and academics. To maintain real world experiences, outcomes were presented in real-time to maintain engagement. All ideas and solutions were developed by SAVS academics, and ratified by accreditation authorities, resulting in graduation of final year students, and the progression of undergraduates into their chosen profession.


Conference2020 Charles Sturt EdX Learning and Teaching Conference
Abbreviated titleMaintaining wellbeing through uncertainty: building resilience
OtherWe have an exciting variety of sessions for you this year. The program for each day is available below in 2 formats:

i) Interactive Web Version – This link will open up the full program in a new browser tab, with all session details hyperlinked and all zoom meeting links available via the same interface.

ii) 3 separate printable, downloadable (.pdf) files for days 1, 2 and 3.
Internet address


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