Creating connection: Teaching Islamic art in regional Australia

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023
EventHamad Bin Khalifa Symposium on Islamic Art (Doha, Qatar - November 2023): Islamic Art History and the Global Turn: Theory, Method, and Practice - Virginia Commonwealth University, Doha, Qatar
Duration: 11 Nov 202313 Nov 2023 (Event website)


ConferenceHamad Bin Khalifa Symposium on Islamic Art (Doha, Qatar - November 2023)
Abbreviated titleIslamic art
OtherThe 10th Biennial HBK Symposium on Islamic Art examined how art history’s concerns with the global turn, and associated calls for decolonial, diverse, inclusive, and equitable histories, have been taken up by scholars, educators, curators, and related practitioners of Islamic art history. Although scholarship on how Islamic art is studied, collected, and exhibited are on the rise, what is less addressed is how, and to what extent, these methods have related to pedagogical and curating practices. Bridging this gap between theory and practice, the 2023 Symposium explored how the past two decades of debating methodologies for diverse, inclusive, decolonial, and global Islamic art histories have taken shape in classrooms, galleries, and related settings. The Symposium aimed to highlight the challenges – and not just successes – of teaching, curating, and researching Islamic art history in a global context, while also contributing new perspectives to discourses on the global turn writ large.
A recording of the Symposium will be available on this website in early 2024, with captions in both English and Arabic. To receive an email alert when the videos post, please sign up for our periodic e-newsletters on the Contact page of the website.
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