Creating the future WIL experiences with ‘Yindyamarra’ in Aboriginal Community - Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHO’s)

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Keywords: Aboriginal, community, rural, student placement, collaborative Discussion/results/evaluation Identity and connection with family and ways of knowing, doing and being are at the heart of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples (Zubrzycki, Shipp, & Jones, 2017; Martin & Mirraboopa, 2003). As an Indigenous Health Clinical Educator developing relationships in the ACCHO space is crucial to creating rural clinical learning experiences for students in Indigenous contexts. The goal of this session is to share strategies, ideas, and initiatives employed with ACCHO's to provide innovative placement opportunities to enhance service delivery. Yindyamarra is a Wiradjuri word meaning being polite, being gentle, being respectful, and doing slowly (Sullivan, Grant, & Grant, 2016). Students' cultural awareness is strengthened by focussing on their own values and cultural identity whilst acknowledging and respecting diversity in others. The purpose of these rural placement experiences facilitates opportunities to attain and strengthen retention and recruitment of health practitioners in rural regions. Conclusions/implications- A growing challenge for health care educators in undergraduate programmes is to adequately prepare students for professional practice. The anticipated outcomes are improved access to services for community; improved models of care; high-quality learning opportunities for students and stronger collaborations between community and university. Consequently, creating opportunities that encourage engagement within the ACCHO space.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2020
EventACEN WIL VIRTUAL SUMMIT 2020: Beyond 2020: creating the future with WIL - Virtual, Australia
Duration: 27 Oct 202028 Oct 2020


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