CSU academic development – creating confident and proficient teachers through a targeted development program

Kellie Smyth, Kogilam Naidoo, Bruce Stenlake

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstract


Across the Higher Education sector, there has been a push towards quality standards in learning and teaching. This requires all academics to engage with this new paradigm and participate in quality enhancement and assurance. The challenge arises in ensuring that sessional staff, who provide most of the face to face delivery of subjects in Australian universities, are proactively included in any strategies for attaining and achieving quality learning and teaching (Harvey, 2013). Sessional staff are often not a primary consideration when it comes to academic development, but it is an issue of access and equity for both the staff, and the students they teach, they are given access to high quality professional development and resources to support their continued development.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event41st annual conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia : HERDSA 2018 - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 02 Jul 201805 Jul 2018
https://web.archive.org/web/20180313105557/http://herdsa2018.aomevents.com.au/ (Conference website)


Conference41st annual conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
Abbreviated title(Re)Valuing Higher Education
OtherThe theme for the conference is (Re)Valuing Higher Education. Higher education has undergone dramatic change in the last decade with an international agenda to open universities to a broader range of individuals while requiring researchers to focus on priorities set by government.
The sector is forced to continue to grapple with restrained budgets, increased student numbers, greater student diversity and government agendas requiring preparation of students for work and lifelong learning. It also faces an increasingly under resourced and corporatized and complex research environment.
Within this context we wish to consider what the value of higher education has become. By (Re)Valuing Higher Education we are revisiting the purpose and scope of what being a ‘university’ means as well as considering what differentiates ‘higher’ learning from other forms of post-secondary education.
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