Cultural identity through Art(s)making: Preservice teachers sharing ideas and experiences

Jennifer Munday, Atia Sajid, Brandi Reader

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In their Bachelor degree, Early Childhood Pre-service teachers undertake art(s)making and online journaling (blogging) to chronicle the process and thinking through the problem of themselves in relation to their world. They express and challenge their own thoughts and ideas regarding their daily lives and those of the children in their future classrooms. The article is presented as a Case Study with the outcomes of the process of the assessment task and the resulting artwork through two student experiences from different cultural backgrounds who produced artworks using different processes and deep reflections about their lives. The sharing of the reflections through the blogs produced learning within the class as other students came to understand and see life and culture from other perspectives. Students should be given the opportunity to share their histories and experiences so that deeper understanding can occur for a more tolerant approach in the early childhood classroom.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2
Pages (from-to)15-30
Number of pages16
JournalAustralian Journal of Teacher Education
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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