Deception: Reality TV playing us false

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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Is reality TV deceptive, and if it is, does it matter? Before we proceed to
answer that question, let us begin by making a fair assumption: reality
television viewers are not stupid. People who watch reality TV do so mainly
for its entertainment value rather than its veracity. They know these shows
undergo a lot of editing, scripting and staging, so they aren't easily fooled
into thinking what they are watching is the entire, raw truth. Come on - who
believes that' We can reasonably expect a certain degree of suspension of
disbelief on the part of viewers. So, that's not the kind of deception this
chapter will examine. Rather, it will examine whether substantial values such
as loyalty, honesty, friendship and love are being misrepresented in reality TV
For if they are, that kind of deception is undoubtedly worthy of our attention
and concern. To that end, this chapter uses conceptual philosophical analysis
- with the help of some stories, myths and legends - to provide a theoretical
framework for understanding and reflecting upon how deception can occur
in reality television.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe ethics of reality TV
Subtitle of host publicationA philosophical examination
EditorsWendy N Wyatt, Kristie Bunton
Place of PublicationNew York, NY
PublisherContinuum International Publishing Group
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)9781441189035, 9781441193810
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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