Deconstructing Neo- colonialism and liberalism: Kenya and the NGOs ' A discourse analysis

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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Neocolonialism theories bring back to life memories of colonial imperialism especially to the locals in countries such as Kenya where, 43 years after the proclamation of self-governance, most rural communities appear to be still awaiting the 'true' independence. The locals may have seen the political 'peace' and sovereign recognition of their state but many are yet to realise the education and development systems that will set them free from being constructed by both their own government and non-government aid agencies as impoverished subjects. Perceived from the Kenyan experience, Spivak's questions on 'respresentability' become not only relevant but more importantly identify a need for studies that will attempt to give voice or deconstruct the notions of the wamaskini (impoverished subjects) or in Spivak's words 'the subaltern'. The question in Gandhi (1998: 1) made by Spivak (1985) was 'Can the subaltern speak?' Indeed this was and still is a contested question. And even though such studies as this current one attempt in some way to let the selected impoverished subjects in Kenya speak in relation to the NGO aided projects, the best it can offer is to add to the debates.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationANZCIES 35th International Co-operation through Education Conference
EditorsBrian Denman
Place of PublicationArmidale, Australia
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9780909347116
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventAustralian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society (ANZCIES) Annual Conference - Auckland, New Zealand, New Zealand
Duration: 29 Nov 200702 Dec 2007


ConferenceAustralian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society (ANZCIES) Annual Conference
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand


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