Deep learning neural network for lung cancer classification: enhanced optimization function

Bhoj Raj Pandit, Abeer Alsadoon, P. W.C. Prasad, Sarmad Al Aloussi, Tarik A. Rashid, Omar Hisham Alsadoon, Oday D. Jerew

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)


Convolutional neural network is widely used for image recognition in the medical area at nowadays. However, overall accuracy in predicting lung tumor is low and the processing time is high as the error occurred while reconstructing the CT image. The aim of this work is to increase the overall prediction accuracy along with reducing processing time by using multispace image in pooling layer of convolution neural network. The proposed method has the autoencoder system to improve the overall accuracy, and to predict lung cancer by using multispace image in pooling layer of convolution neural network and Adam Algorithm for optimization. First, the CT images were pre-processed by feeding image to the convolution filter and down sampled by using max pooling. Then, features are extracted using the autoencoder model based on convolutional neural network and multispace image reconstruction technique is used to reduce error while reconstructing the image which then results improved accuracy to predict lung nodule. Finally, the reconstructed images are taken as input for SoftMax classifier to classify the CT images. The state-of-art and proposed solutions were processed in Python Tensor Flow and It provides significant increase in accuracy in classification of lung cancer to 99.5 from 98.9 and decrease in processing time from 10 frames/second to 12 seconds/second. The proposed solution provides high classification accuracy along with less processing time compared to the state of art. For future research, large dataset can be implemented, and low pixel image can be processed to evaluate the classification.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6605-6624
Number of pages20
JournalMultimedia Tools and Applications
Issue number5
Early online dateAug 2022
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2023


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