Delivering culturally safe clinical care across population groups and the lifespan

Elisabeth Coyne, Lisa Whitehead, Mandy Towell-Barnard, Hazel Rands, Natalie Winter, Lindsay Smith

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


This workshop will deliver strategies to establish and maintain culturally safe clinical practice to promote health equality. Culturally safe care recognises differences of culture, language, indigenous groups and minority groups and seeks to understand and ensure their needs are met in a manner that is acceptable to them. Australia and New Zealand have National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards which provide guidelines for understanding how to provide culturally safe clinical care. This workshop will develop your understanding and skills as a clinician and researcher to work with culturally diverse groups and ensure culturally safe practice.


Conference16th International Family Nursing Conference
Abbreviated titleGlobal Innovations in Family Nursing Advancing Family Health
OtherNOTE: complete conference brochure attached to PID 469029178

The International Family Nursing Association will hold its 16th international conference June 21-23, 2023 in Dublin City. The theme will be "Global Innovations in Family Nursing: Advancing Family Health."

At the end of the conference, attendees should be able to:

Discuss global advancements in family nursing education for students and professionals.
Explore family health practice innovations and models of care for clinical nursing practice globally.
Examine research evidence and emerging methodologies for application and transferability to family nursing education, practice, and policy to improve family health globally.
Generate strategies to enhance leadership of family nurses and promote global influence on family health care policy.
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