Delivering equity through compulsory work placement

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review


The authentic in-situ experiences workplace learning (WPL) delivers is considered invaluable for developing graduate employability. The barrier to providing WPL experiences for all students (i.e., universal WPL) is the high cost of placements. Additional financial and strategic resourcing and administrative challenges involved in WPL implementation can leave WPL managerially unsupported in business degrees which do not have accreditation requirements mandating compulsory WPL experiences. Without mandated WPL, business schools typically have weak appetites for overcoming barriers such as difficulties securing enough quality placements. As business schools’ long-term sustainability is increasingly challenged by external competitors such as shorter and less expensive modules and courses, WPL can provide added value and protection against these threats. Resolving industry demands and tensions around developing work-ready graduates is contingent on complementing theory with practical application through WPL in development of a sustainable work-ready graduate pipeline built on strong industry-university collaborations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Beyond 2022
Subtitle of host publicationCreating the future with WIL
Place of PublicationVictoria, Australia
PublisherAustralian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN)
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2022
EventACEN Conference Beyond 2022: Beyond 2022: Creating the Future with WIL - Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 24 Oct 202225 Oct 2022 (Program),and%20scholarly%20practice%20in%20WIL. (Proceedings)


ConferenceACEN Conference Beyond 2022
Abbreviated titleShowcase
OtherThe ACEN 2022 Conference Committee together with the ACEN Board are pleased to open the call for abstracts and registration for the ACEN 2022 conference 24th – 25th October in Melbourne.

The Conference Committee have been busy planning the program and social activities and are currently considering a few virtual components to the conference. We will post more details in the future.
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