Democratising the teaching and learning experience

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


Democratising the teaching and learning experience

The format of the roundtable. Birds of a Feather.
Context/background. The authors have been involved in education for over 20 years, teaching online and face-to-face social work in two regional Australian and an urban University in Ireland. Social work’s commitment to inclusion and equity is in contrast to the hierarchical university structure. Our response has been to engage with inclusive, democratising practices in tertiary education that better fit our values and model them for class members.

We have been researching and critically reflecting on practices that challenge the teacher/student dualism. In our classes we embedded strategies for including the knowledge and experience that people bring to a subject by incorporating their knowledge into the learning experience. By cycling between theory and lived experience we draw insights from critical reflection to develop our pedagogies and understandings. We have completed a reflexive process, utilising a co-operative inquiry and autoethnographic methodology (Halabi, 2022; Hernandez et al., 2017). We continue to innovate, share experiences and reflect on strategies that everyone in a class co-produces for transformational learning. Continuing wider peer review and engagement with these practices and the literature supports us to elevate diverse knowledges and voices, reduce the educational hierarchy, and promote transformational learning.

Topic for discussion. This will be a participatory discussion between everyone in the room, focusing on two key points; 1. examples of practising inclusion in tertiary education and 2. examples of pedagogical strategies or situations which have worked towards democratising the learning environment.
Intended outcome. This roundtable will continue to develop ideas for more democratic pedagogies. The roundtable will be an exchange focusing on modelling pedagogical approaches privileging voices and experiences within a class. The roundtable participants and facilitators will explore the topics for discussion utilising democratising values and practices. The roundtable facilitators and participants will engage in reflecting on and sharing (written/verbal) democratising practices extending our collective knowledge through participation in the roundtable discussion thus extending our collective knowledge.


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