Design for the unthinkable world: Strange ecology and unwelcome change

Craig Bremner, Paul A. Rodgers, Giovanni Innella

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


If design's raison d’être is to make things better, then the object of design has always been, remains and can only be a changed world and our relationship to it. In other words, the world-for-us. While once upon a time this might have been seen to be a worthy objective, now the role of designing must cease to service design for change in the manner in which it has been doing. Now, it is designing itself that must change to explore what possibilities there might be for the design of what-might-not-become in an unthinkable-world. What Eugene Thacker has called a world-without-us. A world-without-us does not mean a world devoid of humans, but a world we project (and design) that continues to revolve around the sun but no longer revolves around us.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationDesign for the Unthinkable World
Subtitle of host publicationStrange Ecology and Unwelcome Change
PublisherTaylor & Francis
Number of pages193
ISBN (Electronic)9781003370680
ISBN (Print)9781032438580
Publication statusPublished - 13 Feb 2024


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