Designing Blended and Flexible Learning Experience for a Management Capstone Course

Research output: Other contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Nowadays many higher education institutions teach in multiple modes, including on campus, at a distance, online or blend of a number of modes. Recently, the Course Unit within Faculty of Business at Charles Sturt University initiated the Online Course Innovation project which promotes innovative and transformative practices in blended and flexible learning (BFL). In this project, academic staff work together with education designers to redesign course curriculum, integrate both face-to- face and online teaching modes in order to enhance students’ online and flexible learning experience. This paper reports on the design experience for a capstone course using BFL approach, with specific emphasis on the role of learning theory, pedagogical approaches, and technology in the successful design and development of BFL strategy.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event31st Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: ANZAM 2017 - RMIT University City Campus, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 05 Dec 201708 Dec 2017 (Conference program) (Conference website)


Conference31st Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference
Abbreviated titleCreative Disruption: Managing in a Digital Age
Internet address


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