Diagnostic Efficacy of Enhanced Carotid US Analysis for Atheromatous Plaques as a Risk Assessment for Strokes

Lysa Legault Kingstone

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    This exegesis documents the provenance of enhanced ultrasonographic
    analysis in carotid atherosclerotic lesions. The exegesis bonds the praxis of the
    body of work contained in this doctoral research, to the current evidence.
    The analysis in this exegesis makes significant contribution to the ultrasound
    discipline, and accomplished advanced professional practice. The analysis
    opens with historical results, relating to the current context and evidence,
    which provides insights into the examinable outcome of this exegesis. The
    extensive work contained in this exegesis and portfolio, is publicly available as
    published referencing throughout the document and to support the reader’s
    understanding of this exegesis, each of these are referenced in the doctoral
    candidate’s work by supplementing a footnote at the bottom of the page, providing full citations.

    The associated portfolio is presented as an accumulation of full text versions
    of each published manuscripts cited in the exegesis as part of the doctoral
    work. In addition, color versions of conference presentations and posters are
    incorporated in the portfolio. Each manuscript and/or presentation is
    accompanied by a brief outline relating the particular work to the central
    theme of the doctoral work. To bring together the information gathered, all
    app applications, proposals and documents are included in the portfolio. The
    full breadth of this doctoral work and portfolio is presented via web based
    and a comprehensive version is presented as a hard copy compact disk (CD).
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Health Science
    Awarding Institution
    • Charles Sturt University
    • Currie, Geoff, Principal Supervisor
    Award date14 Nov 2014
    Place of PublicationAustralia
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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