Dicing with death: tensions, contradictions and awkward positions in school health education

Michael Gard, Deana Leahy

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter


    Chapter intention ' To explore the contradiction and confusion of different health education traditions in curriculum and teaching practices, in particular 'choice' and 'compulsion', and the assemblage of discourses in healthy lifestyles education ' To consider the relationship between pubic health policy and school health education ' To consider more open-ended approaches to health education. This chapter attempts to illuminate some of the tensions and contradictions that emerge when we fail to differentiate between teaching about health and trying to make children 'healthy'. The examples that we offer are illustrative of what happens when public health policy meets the classroom. For example, if we assume that school education should promote clear and critical thought, what happens to the job of the teacher when he or she is also charged with the responsibility of getting children to accept certain health 'facts' and adopt highly prescribed health behaviours?
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationHealth and Physical Education
    Subtitle of host publicationIssues for Curriculum in Australia and New Zealand
    Place of PublicationMelbourne
    PublisherOxford University Press
    Number of pages15
    ISBN (Print)9780195562439
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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