Digital transformation: Transforming T&L Models

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation only


Keynote presentation
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 Nov 2022
Event2nd Corolla International Conference - Zoom
Duration: 11 Nov 202211 Nov 2022


Conference2nd Corolla International Conference
Abbreviated titleEducation now and tomorrow: what do we have to do and expect?
Other2nd Corolla International Conference is international conference which held by Corolla Education Centre Foundation and collaborate with English Tadris Study Program, State Islamic Institute of Curup, and Guidance and Counseling Islamic Education Study Program, State Islamic Institute of Curup. The theme of this international conference is Education Now and Tomorrow: What do we have to do and expect?. This conference will be delivered by profesional speakers of some countries who expert on their field.

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