Disseminating research: Reading, writing, and publishing

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter


The previous chapters have provided guidelines for undertaking research in the field of clinical linguistics and phonetics. Once new knowledge has been generated through research it is important to disseminate findings with others to change understanding and practice. Dissemination of findings can occur within public, professional and academic contexts via the internet, presentations and publications. Ultimately, publishing research in journal articles and books enables the creation of a permanent and accessible record. Longevity of research is typically achieved through such avenues and once work is published, people from across the globe can draw on these findings to create new ideas, understandings and directions. Therefore, researchers should think about the message they wish to convey through their research: 'What is your dialogue with the future?' This chapter outlines how to read and critique research, then how to write for publication in order to disseminate research findings. The chapter is written for people undertaking research (particularly research students and beginning researchers) as well as consumers of research (students, researchers and clinical practitioners).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearch methods in clinical linguistics and phonetics
Subtitle of host publicationA practical guide
EditorsNicole Müller, Martin J Ball
Place of PublicationUnited Kingdom
Number of pages22
ISBN (Print)9781444335835
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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