Documenting a profession: the knowledge bank of Australian and New Zealand school libraries

Research output: Other contribution to conferencePresentation onlypeer-review


This paper will provide insight into the development and construction of a new resource aimed at documenting the published outputs of school libraries and teacher-librarianship in Australia and New Zealand. The Knowledge Bank of Australian and New Zealand School libraries (KBANZSL) has been developed by a team at the School of information and communication studies at Charles Sturt University, New South Wales, Australia.


ConferenceLibrary History Special Interest Group Satellite Meeting
OtherThe IFLA Library History SIG has organized a satellite meeting from 17 to 19 August 2023 titled:

“Preserving our origins: Approaches to the organization, curation, and historiography of the record of national and international organizations in libraries, information, and documentation.”

The Satellite meeting is organized in collaboration with the Mundaneum, created in 1910, following an initiative begun in 1895 by Belgian lawyers Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine. The Library History SIG Satellite will be held in Mons, headquarters of the Mundaneum.
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