Documenting young children's technology use: Observations in the home

Lisa Given, Denise Winkler, Rebekah Willson, Christina Davidson, Susan Danby, Karen Thorpe

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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different technologies, research is often done with schoolage children in their classrooms. This exploratory research study looks at fifteen preschool children (aged three to five) in Queensland, Australia and their use of different technologies in their own homes. This paper examines data from a checklist of technologies available in the home and video recording data of children’s interactions with online technologies and other people captured by parents, which were analyzed using a modified ‘seating sweeps’ (Given & Leckie 2003) approach to gain a detailed, descriptive analysis of the home environment. A range of technologies are available to children, with the television and DVD player being most common in the home. Unlike desktop and laptop computers, which were restricted to adult use in half of homes, mobile computing devices (e.g., tablets and smartphones) were quite prevalent and generally available for children’s use. In almost all cases children used devices designed for adults and often used them in common spaces in the home, such as the home office (38%) or living room (36%). Many children (45%) engaged independently with technology, able to accomplish activities and learn on their own. This study contributes to a growing body of literature about how young children connect to technology and the growing digital world around them. Examining children’s interaction with technology and in the home environment allows researchers to better understand the role of technology in children’s lives.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Subtitle of host publicationConnecting Collections, Cultures and Communities
EditorsAndrew Grove
Place of PublicationUnited States
PublisherAmerican Society for Information Science and Technology
Number of pages9
ISBN (Electronic)0-87715-545-3
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event2014 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology: 77th ASIS&T Annual Meeting - Sheraton Seattle Hotel , Seattle, United States
Duration: 31 Oct 201405 Nov 2014


Conference2014 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Abbreviated titleConnecting Collections, Cultures and Communities
Country/TerritoryUnited States
OtherThe Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology is the premier international conference dedicated to the study of information, people, and technology in contemporary society. The ASIS&T AM gathers leading scholars and practitioners from around the globe to share innovations, ideas, research, and insights into the state and future of information and communication in play, work, governance, and society.  ASIS&T AM has an established record for pushing the boundaries of information studies, exploring core concepts and ideas, and creating new technological and conceptual configurations -- all situated in interdisciplinary discourses.  The conference welcomes contributions from all areas of information science and technology. The conference celebrates plurality in methods, theories and conceptual frameworks and has historically presented research and development from a broad spectrum of domains, as encapsulated in ASIS&T’s many special interest groups: Arts & Humanities; Bioinformatics; Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts; Classification Research; Critical Issues; Digital Libraries; Education for Information Science; Health Informatics; History & Foundations of Information Science; Human Computer Interaction; Information Architecture; Information Needs, Seeking and Use; Information Policy; International Information Issues; Knowledge Management; Library Technologies; Management; Metrics; Scientific & Technical Information; Social Informatics; and Visualization, Images & Sound. 
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