Does Guided Inquiry enhance learning and metacognition?

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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Research carried out at Loreto Kirribilli, a Catholic independent secondary school in Sydney, Australia, in 2014 demonstrates that Guided Inquiry scaffolding enhances learning and metacognition. Students undertaking the Historical Investigation in Year 11 develop an interest in an area of Ancient or Modern history, explore it, develop an inquiry question, and answer it in an essay. The Ancient History class was scaffolded by Guided Inquiry curriculum design and support, while the Modern History class conducted their investigation independently. Deep learning was evident in the questions asked and the answers written in the Ancient History essays. There is evidence of a difference in quality in the questions asked and answered by Modern Historians. It would appear that the scaffolding of Guided Inquiry has enhanced learning, while recognizing the effect an excellent teacher has on already high achieving students. Ancient history students also demonstrated a high level of metacognition in their reflections.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2015: IASL Conference Proceedings
Subtitle of host publicationThe school library rocks: Living it, learning it, loving it
Place of PublicationUnited States
PublisherInternational Association of School Librarianship
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventThe 44th Annual International Conference & 17th International Forum on Research in School Librarianship - Maastricht Exhibition and Conference Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands
Duration: 28 Jun 201502 Jul 2015 (Archived page)


ConferenceThe 44th Annual International Conference & 17th International Forum on Research in School Librarianship
OtherObjectives / Goals (but not limited) of the Conference are:

- Advocate the important role of the school library function in compulsory education in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, rest of Europe and globally
- Bring together stakeholders and influence the decision-making process for the implementation of school libraries and school library training
- Professionalise school librarians, teachers and other stakeholders
- Promote exchange and sharing of information on school librarianship
- Promote IASL and its role in school librarianship in the region
- Offer a platform physically and online for school library professionals to meet, create networks and make friends
- Arouse bustle and an atmosphere of ‘revitalisation’ of the school library
- Give all participants a backpack full of information, ideas, friendships and positive feelings to take home with them

The conference includes keynotes, presentations, workshops, award ceremonies, school visits, social events and an information market. Pre- and post-conference workshops and an online conference are part of the total IASL 2015 event.
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