Drug Resistance Assays for Parasites

Nicholas Sangster, G. N. Maitland, S. Geerts, Saskia Decuypere, Jean-Claude Dujardin, J. A. Upcroft, P. Upcroft, M. Duraisingh

    Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Drug resistance has become an increasingly serious and widespread problem worldwide, impacting across a broad phylogenetic range of important medical and veterinary parasite species. These include parasites from the groups of the Apicomplexa, the fl agellates and the helminths. Accurate measurement of resistance is vital for several reasons. In addition to making decisions on effective drug use for parasite control, resistance assays (sometimes called sensitivity assays) are also used to monitor prevalence, severity and dissemination of resistance and to evaluate the impact of control regimes on resistant parasites. In some cases they are used to assist the choice of drugs in clinical situations. A review of the assays currently available and knowledge of the information they provide gives a vital signpost of our current situation across a variety of parasite species and also as a guide in the design of future assays for resistances yet to develop.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAntimicrobial Drug Resistance
    EditorsJ Knight J Knight, Douglas Mayers
    Place of PublicationLondon
    PublisherHumana Press
    Number of pages25
    Edition84 (Part L)
    ISBN (Print)9781603275941
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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