Early childhood: health promotion and acute illness episodes.

Catherine Maginnis, Linda Shields

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperChapter


Early childhood is a time of development, play and exploration, a time when childcare, preschool or school are an important part of life. It is a time which is often trouble free, but also a time where healthy school environments and family support may be strengthening and assist the development of healthy patterns of behaviour and meaningful relationships. It is also a time punctuated by episodes of acute illness, recurrent infections, and injury. During these episodes, parents will be the primary care providers, interacting with health professionals in a range of settings in order to facilitate their child's recovery and health. In this chapter the reader is provided with an overview of the young child's capacities, interests and social environment. Major sources of influence and support are set out, particularly as these may facilitate young children's health and wellbeing. Health promoting activities are discussed as these can be integrated in both school and health services. Sources of acute illness are identified and the contexts for treatment and care for young children with an acute illness episode are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationChild, youth and family health
Subtitle of host publicationstrengthening communities
EditorsMargaret Barnes, Jennifer Rowe Jennifer Rowe
Place of PublicationMarrickville, Australia
Number of pages21
ISBN (Print)9780729537995
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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