Early offer students - how do they fare compared to other cohorts? An analysis of early offer students at a regional university

Research output: Book chapter/Published conference paperConference paperpeer-review

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Early offer programs have been increasing across the higher education sector in Australia in recent years, allowing school leavers to be assessed on criteria other than ATAR. There are mixed opinions on the value of early offer programs. This research evaluates the performance and experience of early offer students in the Faculty of Science and Health at Charles Sturt University, NSW. We found that in most fields of education, early offer students have lower progress rates than students who entered based on ATAR, but not compared to the cohort as a whole. In addition, we found that predicted ATAR is often significantly lower than final ATAR. This paper forms the beginning of a work in progress, but these early results suggest that the early entry process needs to be carefully managed to ensure equity in the offers process and appropriate supports for this cohort to increase their probability of success.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationASCILITE 2023 Conference Proceedings
Subtitle of host publicationPeople, Partnerships and Pedagogies
EditorsT Cochrane, V Narayan, C Brown, K MacCallum, E Bone, C Deneen, R Vanderburg, B Hurren
Place of PublicationChristchurch, New Zealand
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 28 Nov 2023
EventASCILITE 2023: 40th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education - Te Pae Conference Centre, Christchurch, New Zealand
Duration: 03 Dec 202306 Dec 2023
https://2023conference.ascilite.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Programme-1-December.pdf (Program)
https://publications.ascilite.org/index.php/APUB/issue/view/12 (Companion materials)


ConferenceASCILITE 2023
Abbreviated titlePeople, Partnerships and Pedagogies
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand
OtherASCILITE 2023 will be fully hybrid, where the online experience will be supported by a complete virtual platform. This specially designed conference platform will enable a fully immersive experience for all participants (both online and face-to-face).

The platform supports a seamless interaction between in-person and virtual participants through a range of features – including timelines for session selection, Q&A with speakers via chat, conversations with attendees, sponsors and exhibitors. Presenters will be able to present in-person and virtually through the platform, or if a time zone did not permit, via a pre-recording of their presentation. Recordings of all the sessions will be available for on-demand viewing just hours after they take place.
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